Previous Episode: My Mistress
Next Episode: Politics As Usual

I'm sitting here in my big, comfortable, black leather poppa chair in my living room, and I must confess until I started recording this, I was sucking my thumb. I guess that's a little like hanging on to the blue blankie. The key pad on my new Ipod is not kind to Louie-Louie Generation guys with thick thumbs. In fact Ipods are not kind to Louie-Louie Generation guys period. And it's not just because you could call me "Old Clumsy Thumbs."
Ipods are also kind of a brain drain. Remember when companies gave you an instruction book when you bought something that was more complicated to use than just plug it in the wall, and turn the knob? The Ipod comes with a little tiny three page foldover instead. It says go to our website on the internet, and download the simple instructions. The simple instructions are 342 pages long. That's not simple instructions.
I like looking at my Lady Wonder Wench. Because when she looks back, I don't see the reflection of some Ol Clumsy Thumbs guy with a major brain drain. I see her Louie-Louie lover. Me. And that Lady Wonder Wench smile, always seems like it's saying... "hey hunk...why don't you come here and let me limber up your limbics."