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Next Episode: Improving My Spooning

There's no such thing as a hopeless romantic. Hope is...hopeful, but it isn't sure. That's why cynics aren't romantic. They have no hope. They are absolutely sure about everything. And the things they're sure about are negative. Even about hope they're negative. No romance. What a shame. Today's podcast is called "Hope Is Hot." Because without hope, life gets pretty cold.
There are a couple of emails in the podcast. One guy writes to say, "Like you I'm a little past Springtime in my life. My youth was stolen from me through the years. But I've just decided to get it back." Wow. That's definitely a Big Louie kind of decision. Do you hear the sound of hope in it? There's a Bedtime Story called, "Lonely Lurks" in today's podcast. It's about the threat of giving up hope. Happens to lots of people. That's one of the reasons for doing my spoken word CDs.
Hope gets slippery some nights. It has a tendency to sneak away in the dark. That's why lonely lurks in the dark. Some smart guys in white lab coats just published a survey in which they claim lots of people these days like being alone. What they don't explain is that "alone" and "lonely" aren't the same thing. "Lonely" still has a touch of hope. Hope is hot. That means it sometimes burns. Which scares some people away. Hiding from hope makes you cynical and conceited. If there's only you in your life, who else are you going to think about? Today's podcast, and all the spoken word CDs at Dick Summer . com are there because I figure that although a voice can't be a complete substitute for having a person around when you need one, but something is better than nothing...especially at night...when your hope sometimes slips off into the dark. I think listening to a friendly voice is one way to feed your hope. Feed the hope, starve the cynicism. Enjoy some romance. In And hope for love.