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I'm sitting on that 3 place swing set that was made in China, with parts from Burma that I told you about a while ago. It looks like the one Kevin Costner and Susan Sarandon were sitting on at the end of the movie. It's under a tree by our driveway.
I'm just sitting here waiting for my Lady Wonder Wench to get back from spurring on the economy. I always unload the packages from the trunk...and there are always lots of packages to un-load. So I'm just sitting here keeping busy by watching my grass grow...which is a good thing to do on a hot and sticky Summer afternoon.
Actually, the grass I'm watching is a just a little clump right next to the garage. I call it my grass, because I'm from Brooklyn. And this is the first grass I ever planted. The rest of the grass came with the house. This grass...I planted myself. I've planted much more important growing kids, and ideas, and even a few hopes. But this is...some kind of a new experience for me. This is weird. But you're probably used to that in these podcasts by now. But I've actually had some no word conversations with my grass.