Our next door neighbors, Randy and Bernadette invited my Lady Wonder Wench and me over for dinner last night. Having good friends for neighbors is very special. Randy and I have lots of things in common, including working some pretty weird overnight hours. One of our basic points of agreement is, "There is no life without water, because without water there is no coffee."
Randy is a lot younger than I am, so he sometimes looks to me for guidance in dealing with the onrushing years. I'm young at heart, but not so much young in other places. I always tell Randy, "Life is short, so smile while you still have teeth." And, "We have a left brain and a right brain so we can keep secrets from ourselves. Secrets like 'Why did I just walk into this room? Where did I leave my car? I tell him, "Be careful, because with age sometimes comes oldness. Don't let that happen.
You're never too old to decide to act younger. Remember what Big Louie says in my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot…'If you have any moving parts left, for crying out loud…move 'em." And I encourage Randy to learn new songs. Like "I've fallen in love with you and I can't get up" by the See Alice Singers.