Next Episode: 1997

I like fortune cookie words. Break some words apart, like a fortune cookie, and sometimes you find interesting messages inside. The word "Politics" is a good example. Break it apart and you find "poli" which means many and "ticks" which refers to annoying little blood sucking bugs. Do politics ever annoy a bunch of little bugs crawling around on you...drinking your blood?
I like sitting here in my big, comfortable, manly, black leather poppa chair in my living room, breaking fortune cookie words apart, because lots of times the hidden messages inside tell you something valuable. Impossible is a fortune cookie word. "Im" means I am, and the rest of the word is "possible." So break the fortune cookie word "Impossible" apart, and you get a boot in the butt that tells you to get up off your fanny and give something hard a try.
Break open the fortune cookie word "analyst" and you find the word "anal" meaning anal, and "ist" which in this case means person. So breaking open the fortune cookie word you find that an analyst is an anal person...particularly a political analyist...they're all over the cable news networks. And they are the butt.