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Next Episode: We're In Trrooouuuble!

I am sitting here in my big, comfortable, manly, black leather poppa chair in my living room, and I'm semi-seriously considering popping a copy of my new book, Staying Happy, Healthy And Hot into my neighbor Steve's mail box. He really needs to think about the Gratitude-Attitude that the book talks about.
Steve starts every day off with a smile, so he can get that over with as soon as possible. He often suspects people are plotting to make him happy. When someone says, "Have a nice day" to him, he usually says, "Sorry, I have other plans."
Our state motto is on our license plates. It says, "You've got a friend in Pennsylvania." I wouldn't be surprised to see Steve putting a strip of tape under the slogan that says, "Don't look at me." He definitely needs to grab some Gratitude-Attitude.
Steve is an excellent example of the Dreary Drones I've been talking about in my book. They're people who have just let themselves turn into hunks of luke-warm meat. Steve is kind of a stale sausage.