Previous Episode: Coming Out of My Closet
Next Episode: The All Nighter

What are friends for, if not to break each other's crystal balls. I took a baseball bat to my buddy Eric's today. Eric's had some tough breaks recently. I mean tough. Not just stuff like it's pouring rain, and your dog won't do anything but sniff around, or after an evening of passion you notice that the empty condom packet in the wastebasket is labeled, "Made in China"...or the milk you just poured on your Cheerios smells funny.
Eric's had his head handed to him. Lady stuff. The kind of thing that has you staying awake all night watching ESPN's six hour special called "Legends Of Miniature Golf." He told me he woke up this morning and found his clothes scattered all over the floor...and he was still wearing them. He's really down, and this has been going on for a while. It's called a depression. Most Louie-Louie Generation folks have had a few of them. They can make you feel like an exchange student from the Twilight Zone.