Previous Episode: Two Stories And A Fantasy
Next Episode: No Dogs Allowed

Pull up a chair, chillin, and lend an ear. I am really excited. I have just found out that I am intimately involved in one of the worlds' biggest bad decisions. Now there are different levels of very bad decisions. If you are a very curvy young lady, taking accordion lessons would be a very bad decision.
A different level bad decision was when the Japanese decided to bomb Pearl Harbor, although all our aircraft carriers were out to sea. That was a very bad decision. Taking a bite out of that apple was a bad decision on Adam's part.
When the Red Sox sold Babe Ruth's contract to the Yankees, that was also a bad decision, as was the 1971 trade that brought Jim Fregosi to the Mets for a pitcher. A pitcher by the name of Nolan Ryan.
Big Louie, his own bad self, the star of my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot says, "Giving another man the opportunity to make your woman smile is a very bad decision. Very bad." 12 publishers made the very bad decision to turn down "Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone." Big bad decisions. NBC and CBS were the NFL's choices for the rights to Monday Night Football. They both declined. Bad, bad, bad decision. ABC really cleaned up on that one. M&Ms passed up Steven Speilberg's request to use their candy in his movie, "ET." Reese's Pieces grabbed the chance and their sales immediately increased by 65%. Not smart, M&Ms. Bad decision. Napoleon decided to invade Russia in the winter. Very, very bad decision. The Trojans decided to accept that big wooden horse the Greeks made for them as a present. Whoops. Columbus landed in the Indies, thought he was in India, and figured he'd drop in on the guys he thought were Indians. Bad mistake for Columbus, very bad decision by the Indians.
And I just found out the other night that I was intimately involved in a decision that was at least comparable to some of these, big bad decisions. I am now, Big, Bad, Boo-Boo Daddy.