Previous Episode: Manly
Next Episode: Zap!

I'm sitting here in my big, manly, comfortable, black leather poppa chair in my living room...I was just having some laughs with my Lady Wonder Wench, and I was thinking this is the best life has ever been for me. Just laughing with my Lady. Pretty basic isn't it.
Among other things, we were discussing the possible mating rituals of Big Bird, and Oscar the grouch. And the ethics involved if you are at the ten items or less fast checkout lane. For example, if you have 6 apples, that's one item if they're in a bag. And 6 bananas without a bag, is also one item, because they're all attached to each other. But suppose you have two grapefruit, and there's no bag big enough for both of them. I maintain that since they're both grapefruit, that's one item.
She claims reasoning like that is due to the fact that I'm from Brooklyn, and therefore I am inclined to cheat. And I remind her that if we get in the back of the slow lines, we could be there so long, we'd be in danger of being enveloped by a glasier. And I tell her cheating is allowed when it's self preservation. Life is good. Mostly, because she's in it. Very basic. I like basics better than fancys.