Previous Episode: Your Mental See-Saw
Next Episode: Wow

I'm back here sitting in my big, comfortable, manly black leather poppa chair in my living room again, having survived another terrifying road trip, with my Lady Wonder Wench driving. We went to a family gathering a couple of states away, and the weather was too messy to fly there in our little airplane. I've told you about my Lady's creative driving habits and her tendency to swerve back onto the road when she sees a cop in my book Staying Happy Healthy And Hot. But it was worth the frightening trip to see all those folks most of whom I haven't seen in years.
Our daughter Kris and cousin Donna were the main organizers, and they did a great job. But I noticed that people have changed since I saw them last. I couldn't believe how some of them have become walking, talking wrinkles. But nevertheless lots of the conversations were about how good we were looking anyway. Many of us looked quite life like I guess. That seems to be happening to me more and more as I get older. People keep saying, "My you're looking good." I expect I will reach the peak of my handsomeness on the day before I die.