Kate Muchmore Woo is a director/actor with credits from around the United States and now here in B.C.! Holding it down for SAMC Theatre, as the Department Chair and Associate Professor of Theatre, with shows like The Game of Love & Chance, The Cover of Life, Jane Eyre: The Musical, Twelfth Night, The Illusion, and As Little Children. Other directing credits include A Wrinkle in Time, The Mousetrap, Enchanted April, The Women of Lockerbie, Crime & Punishment, Hairspray, and Auto-da-Fé. As an actor, her resume is littered with many roles, including Tartuffe, The Wizard of Oz, The Sound of Music, and several through Taproot Theatre Company's Road Company in Seattle, Washington. She holds a teaching certification in the Meisner Technique from Larry Silverburg’s True Acting Institute, a M.A. in Theatre Arts from Western Washington University, and a M.F.A. in Directing from the University of North Carolina Greensboro.


Kate is married to her Canadian sweetheart, Derik. They love to travel, eat really good food, and watch Ohio State Football and Canucks Hockey. They also like to hang out with their rambunctious and energetic dog, Sherlock.

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