Dr. George Yancey is a Professor of Sociology at Baylor University. He has published several research articles on the topics of institutional racial diversity, racial identity, academic bias, progressive Christians and anti-Christian hostility. Some of his many books include One Faith No Longer: The Transformation of Christianity in Red and Blue America (NYU), Beyond Racial Gridlock: Embracing Mutual Responsibility (IVP), Transcending Racial Barrioers: Toward a Mutual Obligations Approach (Oxford University), So Many Christians, So Few Lions: Is There Christianophobia in the United States (Rowman and Littlefield), Compromising Scholarship: Religious and Political Bias in American Higher Education (Baylor University), What Motivates Cultural Progressives?: Understanding Opposition to the Political and Christian Right (Baylor University), and There is no God: Atheists in America (Rowman and Littlefield).

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