The tables have turned and Derrick’s on the hot seat. One of our favorite guests, Bea Boccalandro, pulls no punches as she asks Derrick why he sold a very successful financial planning business to launch the Good Money Framework and the Good Money podcast. He shares why his fundamental belief is that money is NOT bad and good people should have more of it. Derrick gives you the tools to fight against today’s media’s money myths. And get this: Derrick says it’s possible to support the cause you care deeply about AND grow your bank account. Then he explains his 7-Step Good Money Framework and how it can help you make more money so you can do more good. Enjoy!


What you will learn:

• Why Derrick sold his successful business

• Money is not bad

• You can reset your money beliefs

• Your current value is what you’re currently paid

• The 7-Step Good Money Framework



• “Yeah, it was possibly a crazy decision. It was a bold decision. It was a decision that I was at peace with.” – Derrick Kinney

• “For many people, it’s so complicated and what I wanted to do was come up with a framework that people could step into, identify what’s important to them, and really go step by step, not just how to make money, but really how to have true fulfillment from what money represents.” – Derrick Kinney

• “COVID, for many people, has been a chance to press the reset button. A chance to ask themselves, ‘What’s truly important?’ and, ‘Is this the best use of my time and my talents?’” – Derrick Kinney

• “And what this good money message is all about is, first of all, a message to let people know that indeed, money is not bad. And people that have money are not bad. And you can be one of the good people that adds value to people’s lives and helps make the world better but using your money to do good.” – Derrick Kinney

• “Well, should you possibly be paid more? Possibly, but you’ve got to find a way to have people see more value in what you’re doing.” – Derrick Kinney

• “There’s so much talent in people right now. I want to extract every ounce of potential people have- and that starts with managing their money very well.” – Derrick Kinney

• “I think what it does is it re-shifts how people think about their money and injects not just purpose to profit from a business standpoint, but it adds meaning to money from a personal standpoint.” – Derrick Kinney

• “So, when you start with that contribution in step one, you have just magically made all the other steps much easier because people are more motivated, they’re more likely to get in flow, they’re going to work harder.” – Bea Boccalandro

• “Go make money, and a lot of it, and use it to help remake the world and make other people’s worlds better. Because you’re going to feel more fulfilled, more impactful, and really that you’re making a lasting difference on this earth.” – Derrick Kinney


Free Valuable Report for our Listeners: “3 Beliefs About Money Your Kids Should Learn That No One is Teaching Them”


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Recommended Resources:


• Do Good At Work: How Simple Acts of Social Purpose Drive Success and Wellbeing by Bea Boccalandro (