Are your bank account and souls account out of balance? Matthew McConaughey shares how a risky career move paid off big and brought him the fulfillment he was looking for—and the Academy Award for Best Actor. He also gets candid about relationships, money, and the legacy he’s building. If you’re afraid of failure and embarrassment, he says that you should still “play it live” because people will appreciate your vulnerability and you may even inspire others to do the same.


What you will learn:

Red lights are learning moments Why you may need to unbrand to rebrand Balancing your bank account and your souls account Why you should choose opportunities carefully Be less impressed and more involved Identify the role you want to play A roof is a manmade thing 



“The man I was becoming in my life, with a newborn son, was so vital, but my work paled in comparison to the vitality my life had.” – Matthew McConaughey “So, remember, when it gets wobbly again and you’re confused, trust in this truth that just landed on you.” – Matthew McConaughey “We want to fill our bank account. We want to fill our souls account as well. And you don’t want to be in the black in one and the red in the other, but sometimes that’s the math that adds up.” – Matthew McConaughey “We’ve got 24 hours in a day and, as far as I know, they’re not giving any more.” – Matthew McConaughey “It’s fine to have an impression and have a great respect for them, but don’t have a reverence so far that you are not able to be involved and grow and embrace the situation and be yourself and bring your most true self to whatever that situation is.” – Matthew McConaughey “We’re all actors to a certain extent, but at least say, ‘what role is it I want to play?’” – Matthew McConaughey “A wise friend once told me that people like imperfect people better.” – Derrick Kinney “If you can trust others, you can trust yourself more.” – Matthew McConaughey “We can go a lot higher than sometimes we give ourselves credit for.” – Matthew McConaughey “What are the choices we can make today that we can look forward to actually looking back?” – Matthew McConaughey


Free Valuable Report for our Listeners: “3 Beliefs About Money Your Kids Should Learn that No One is Teaching Them”


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Recommended Resources:

Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey (