Do you feel stuck and anxious for something more? A decade ago, Lara Casey found herself with a growing business, but a crumbling marriage. By shifting her focus to what mattered most, Lara’s marriage was restored and she launched a new venture helping women set goals and live intentional lives. If you struggle to accomplish what you want, Lara shares why small steps lead to big results.


What you will learn:

The impact of not knowing what is important What is a truly good goal Why your action steps should be very small Failure is fertilizer How intentional goal setting advances your life Why you should know the circumstances of your season How to get back on track



“How do you have a heart and ambition for something and then really do something about it?” – Lara Casey “For me, I know now that my work is not my worth and that I want to be doing things in the direction of living for a greater purpose than myself.” – Lara Casey “I think that’s the beauty of what I call ‘cultivated goals’ is when they’re focused on the big picture, how you live them out can be flexible.” – Lara Casey “You have to take a risk for the things that really matter or else you’re going to feel stuck.” – Lara Casey “Sometimes you just take one step and suddenly, now you have momentum.” – Derrick Kinney “Where am I going to be so grateful that I spent my time in the big picture? Am I going to be so grateful that I took risks for the thing that matters? Or am I going to be really grateful that I stood in my disappointment for a little too long and got complacent and complained a lot?” – Lara Casey “I think about so many people have false expectations. They think that to be successful, nothing ever goes wrong, but the reality is success is expecting failure and then knowing how you’re going to property respond to it.” – Derrick Kinney “The thing is, everybody ends up somewhere, but few people end up somewhere on purpose.” – Lara Casey “You don’t have to force motivation when you’re doing something that really matters to you in the big picture.” – Lara Casey “Life is never going to be perfect, but it sure will be meaningful when you have your eyes set on the right things.” – Lara Casey


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