There’s two words that can propel your business forward—but most businesses refuse to deal with them. And it’s costing them cash. Those two words? Customer feedback. The problem is, most businesses have no idea how to ask for it from customers without using another boring survey. 

My guest today, Fred Reichheld, is a New York Times bestselling author and business strategist known for helping people like you create a loyal base of raving customers. (And I know you want that for your business!) Say hello to proven ways to get the customer input you need to create new products and services that make you more money. Plus, Fred shares the difference between good and bad profits -- and it will absolutely transform the way you see your customers. 




Know the difference between good and bad profits Ask yourself, “What’s in this for me?” That’s what your customers want to know.  Try a one-question survey with an open-ended comment box



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