Do you ever wish there were more hours in a day? Peter Shankman shares how he’s maximized his productivity by learning how his brain works and putting rules and routines in place that work with his brain and not against it. Use Peter’s powerful strategies to build a business, become a millionaire or simply better your life.

If you want to stay focused for longer and boost your productivity—this episode is for you.


What you will learn:

Maximize the positives, negate the negatives To have freedom, live by the rules Play the tape forward You cannot control people, but you can control your reactions Resolutions fail, but rituals succeed It comes down to priorities



“With ADHD, you’re very curious and you wind up talking to everyone. And, over time, my talking to everyone led to this ridiculously large Rolodex.” – Peter Shankman “I decided, okay, if my faster than normal brain has all these positives and some negatives, I don’t want to lose the positives. So, let me figure out how to make the positives work for me and what can I do to sort of negate as many negatives as possible?” – Peter Shankman “For me, the big thing that I learned, is that you have to understand how your brain works and work with your brain. If you try to work against your brain, you’re going to fail.” – Peter Shankman “You don’t have to change your life. You can’t really change the big things. You can change the little things, which can lead to big changes.” – Peter Shankman “So, it’s about thinking about where do you want to be in a minute, two minutes, five minutes, 10 minutes? And, how do you get there?” – Peter Shankman “As long as you have people feeling heard, they’re going to be more responsive to what you want to say.” – Derrick Kinney “You can’t sit there and let other people dictate your emotions. If you do that, you’re not your own person. You don’t have control.” – Peter Shankman “So, anything you guys want to do right now, create a ritual to do it.” – Peter Shankman “It’s going to get better, but I would say, even more importantly than that, you need to make sure you’re taking care of yourself right now.” – Peter Shankman


Free Valuable Report for our Listeners: 5 Ways Your Resentment of Money is Ruining the World


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Recommended Resources: Faster Than Normal: Turbocharge Your Focus, Productivity, and Success with the Secrets of the ADHD Brain by Peter Shankman (