As a business owner or entrepreneur, rejection is one of those inevitable feelings you’re going to face. But HOW you respond to it can be the difference between a thriving and a struggling business. In just 5 years, Dre Baldwin went from being a high school benchwarmer to becoming a professional basketball player. While playing, Dre pioneered new ways of personal branding and entrepreneurship through an ever-growing content publishing empire (73 million views and counting!). 


Today, Dre is breaking down the discipline, confidence, boldness, and authenticity that every professional athlete needs and how it applies directly to YOU as a business owner. Plus, Dre reveals the one specific quality it takes to be in the top 1 percent of athletes and he reveals the best investment he’s ever made. I think his answer might surprise you. 


If you liked this episode, give this one a listen too: Lara Casey—Take a Risk For What Really Matters


Get Dre’s FREE book here: 


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Order your copy of the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling book Good Money Revolution here:


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