What if money really can buy happiness? Dr. Mike Norton shares how it isn’t the amount of money you have, but how you use it that matters. If you’re dreaming about a big purchase he says to consider how it will impact your overall life so you get the biggest bang for the buck. And by investing in others and buying experiences - not stuff, you’ll experience more meaning with your money.


What you will learn:

Core principles of smart spending Why you should focus on the total experience The power of the focus group How to get the biggest happiness bang for your buck How to create happier employees and happier products



“So when I say money can buy happiness, what I mean is we need to stop thinking so much about how much money we have and instead, what we’re doing with the money to do things that make us happy in our lives.” – Dr. Mike Norton “The issue there that when we consume things over and over again, we get a little tired of them. And so, a really easy thing to do to increase happiness with our money is take a break from things and come back.” – Dr. Mike Norton “And so again, we overestimate how awesome buying the thing will be without thinking enough about how it’s really going to change our time.” – Dr. Mike Norton “But when you spend money on other people, it gives you a huge feeling that you’ve had an impact on somebody else, that you’ve had an impact in general.” – Dr. Mike Norton “So when we buy stuff for ourselves, it’s like pizza. It feels great. An hour later, a day later, a month later, it just wasn’t the right thing to do.” – Dr. Mike Norton “In a funny way, because experiences disappear, they allow us to enjoy a fantasy of them later on.” – Dr. Mike Norton


Free Valuable Report for our Listeners: “3 Beliefs About Money Your Kids Should Learn that No One is Teaching Them”



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Recommended Resources:

Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending by Dr. Michael Norton and Elizabeth Dunn (https://www.amazon.com/dp/1451665075/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_H3fTFbA8J6FP7)