What if the more you gave away, the more your business grew? In 1989 Charles Antis embarked on a mission to change the world, one roof at a time. He shares how giving grows his revenue, increases employee engagement, and weaves his business into the fabric of his community. If you desire lasting impact, Charles says to show up with intent and share more than you think is possible.


What you will learn:

* How to cultivate a thriving company culture

* Practicing philanthropy in challenging times

* Giving more than you think is possible

* Investing in the currency of social good

* Vulnerability is insulation

* Why you should talk about your giving



“We believe we can change the world and that’s why we’re here.” – Charles Antis “But, it also has to start from this real place of vulnerability. Of saying, ‘I can help,’ even though I don’t know what I’m doing. And showing up in the moment and offering something that feels like sometimes it’s too much…” – Charles Antis “We’re going to adapt and thrive. And so, our investment is in trying new things. This is a new way to practice philanthropy.” – Charles Antis “I believe that if you’re able to love what you do and show up with intent and share more than you think is possible to share, I believe that the wins that come out of that in the long game will flood out any short-term losses.” – Charles Antis “When the customer is genuinely aligned with your story and your story rings with authenticity, it will matter more than anything, including price.” – Charles Antis “By being as real and as vulnerable as you can in the moment, you’re exposing yourself. But by exposing yourself, you’re insulating yourself.” “We’re going to blow this up and we’re going to change the world.” – Charles Antis


Free Valuable Report for our Listeners: 5 Ways Your Resentment of Money is Ruining the World



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Recommended Resources:

Antisroofing.com Californialovedrop.org Habitat.org