As a parent, you want your children to succeed in every aspect of their lives. And you want to be that person to lead them there. The problem is, when it comes to money, you don’t even know where to start. You feel like you don’t have the tools to teach your kids how to earn, save, give, or invest money. That’s about to change. Today, Derrick is revealing the 3 beliefs about money no one is teaching your kids. Listen closely—you might be shocked at what they are.


What you will learn:

How to be the creator of money, not just the receiver Be an investor, not a spender How to be a confident wealth builder Admitting your mistakes = teachable moments The best investment you can make is in other people Bet on yourself



“Whether you're a mom or dad or a grandparent, those are the exact moments where you can have the most impact on your kids, is revealing the mistakes.” – Derrick Kinney “There's so much that we're all learning together about ourselves, about our money, about each other. I cannot think of a better time than right now to simply be curious together.” – Derrick Kinney “Give your kids the option, the encouragement to start something of their own and do it while they're working full time.” – Derrick Kinney “You want to ask yourself all the time, am I spending money wisely? And with each purchase, is this helping me get closer to my goal or taking me further away from it?” – Derrick Kinney “You ultimately control what you make and what you spend.” – Derrick Kinney “Now is the time to forgive yourself and say, ‘Look, I can either live in that or I can admit those mistakes, help my kids or grandkids learn from those mistakes and we can move forward together.’" – Derrick Kinney “We all get one life on this earth. I want to make sure it's a life of impact and a life of vulnerability and transparency.” – Derrick Kinney “That's the best investment I've ever found is investing in people because when you invest in people, you're investing in their potential, which has an unlimited opportunity for them.” – Derrick Kinney “I realized I'm going to have to either bet on myself now and take the leap or settle for someone else determining my worth and value, which simply wasn't right.” – Derrick Kinney “Until the pain is great, the change does not occur.” – Derrick Kinney


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