Welcome to Season 3 of the good medicine show!

At the beginning of this episode I mention "the spooky season" and I was referring to halloween and scorpio season (when it was recorded) but as it turns out Sagittarius season is a lot scarier for me! I try to trust the timing of when these episodes come out, so welcome Sagittarius season and welcome Karen Rontowski to the Good Medicine!

Karen has been a comedian for 30 years and a tarot reader for 25 of those years! She mixes the two in her on stage performance, her podcast, and her life. Karen and her wonderful dog Courage join me to speak about how comedy and tarot came into her life. As always our personal medicine grows out of the roots of our story, and Karens Story is an epic one.

I get the chance to ask Karen about her paranormal experiences and the occult investigations she has been on. This episode was such a joy to record and I can't thank Karen enough for coming on and sharing her wisdom and magic.

Karen has comedy albums up on Spotify including her 2020 Psychic Standup as well asĀ  a wonderful patreon where she teaches tarot and psychic development.

For readings with Karen or to get in contact you can find her at https://www.karenrontowski.com/ or on instagram at @rontowski