Welcome to the Good Life Property Management podcast! I’m your host, Steve Welty. This is a show for property management entrepreneurs who want to build not only great business, but also great lives. I’m here to help you gain the freedom to live life on your own terms while creating a positive impact in the world. Also, please check out Steve Welty's Music!

I’m excited to introduce today’s guest, Shannon Waller with Strategic Coach. She’s a big reason that Strategic Coach is where it is today, and she works very closely with Dan Sullivan since 1991. She’s overflowing with information about the program, as well as for entrepreneurs in general, and I can’t wait for her to share her wisdom with you in this episode!

Shannon points out that she realized at one point that she was “excellent, but not unique” at sales. She went back to school, where she took a course in training and design. As a result, she came up with an idea for a program for the team members of their clients. This was the genesis for the Strategic Coach team programs. These days, she’s excited about all the great content that she’s creating either herself or along with Dan Sullivan.

One of the foundations of Strategic Coach are the four freedoms. Shannon explains that these are freedom of time, freedom of money, freedom of relationship, and freedom of purpose. We’ll take a particularly deep dive into freedom of time. You’ll learn today why it’s so important that as an entrepreneur, you don’t work too much. (Shocking, right?) Instead, you should actually plan to take long periods of time off, which allows your team to learn how to handle things in your absence and give you more freedom and flexibility.

We’ll also talk about the idea of Unique Ability, and why it’s so important in creating a dynamic, creative, powerful team. Shannon and I will talk about two powerful strategies for increased retention, what makes Kolbe so special and what you can learn from it, how to stay out of “the gap” rather than falling into it, how co-creation can create amazing results, and much more.


Today’s Guest:

Shannon Waller at Strategic Coach

Shannon Waller on LinkedIn

Shannon Waller on Facebook

Strategic Coach

Your Team Success

Shannon Waller’s podcasts


In This Episode:

[00:36] - Today’s guest is Shannon Waller from Strategic Coach.

[01:21] - Shannon gives some background into herself and her career, and shares a little bit of information on her personal life.

[03:39] - We hear about what Shannon’s day looks like today.

[05:20] - Shannon explains in detail what the first two of the four freedoms in Strategic Coach are.

[07:25] - We hear more about what freedom of time means.

[11:22] - Is freedom of time built on rejuvenation days making you more effective, or is there more to it? Shannon answers, then Steve points out another huge benefit of taking significant amounts of time off.

[15:57] - Steve points out a misconception that a lot of people have, and that he himself had until a year or two ago.

[21:38] - Shannon talks about organizing around personalities versus functions, and digs into the topic of Unique Ability.

[26:29] - The two best things Shannon can think of for increased retention are helping people protect their free days and helping to identify and develop their Unique Ability.

[30:40] - Dan Sullivan wants to fund Unique Ability teamwork, Shannon explains.

[32:17] - What makes Kolbe special, what is it, and what has Shannon learned from it about herself or others?

[37:40] - Shannon talks more about different skills, and offers a model to help listeners understand what she’s talking about.

[39:39] - Steve and Shannon talk about how this could theoretically work in Steve’s case.

[40:36] - Steve invites Shannon to talk about one (or more!) of three amazing cools in Coach. They start by talking about “falling into the gap.”

[47:28] - We tend to focus on the “not done” list instead of the “done” list, Shannon points out.

[49:22] - What is Dan’s secret, and how does co-creation play a part in that?

[52:55] - Shannon talks about collective intelligence, and she and Steve discuss the 80% strategy.

[57:36] - Where can people find out more about Strategic Coach or what Shannon is doing?

[59:44] - Steve closes the episode with a song from his new album, which you can find at this link!


Links and Resources:

Steve Welty's Music

Shannon Waller at Strategic Coach

Shannon Waller on LinkedIn

Shannon Waller on Facebook

Strategic Coach

Your Team Success

Shannon Waller’s podcasts

Strategic Coach

The Team Success Handbook by Shannon Waller

Unique Ability

The Best Bosses Are Humble Bosses by Sue Shellenbarger in the Wall Street Journal


Multiplication By Subtraction by Shannon Waller and Jayne Stymiest

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