Today, I’m happy to announce that I have George B. Thomas joining me on the show. We met for the first time at PM Grow Summit, where he and Marcus Sheridan were doing an extra class on video. I learned some great skills on video-related topics from him then, but didn’t realize at the time how well-versed he is in marketing and sales. I can’t wait to have him share his wisdom with you in today’s episode!

George and I engage in a fun and illuminating thought exercise in this conversation: if George woke up one day as a a property management company owner in charge of sales and marketing, what would he do? First, he would focus on attention and trust. Are you getting the attention that you need to close the deals that you need? Do people trust you, and see you as presenting a trustworthy brand? He would use the mindset of always be learning to educate himself about property management, and realize that it’s never going to stay the same.

After orienting himself as a property manager, George would work on becoming a thought leader. This brings both attention and trust, the two factors that he previously pointed out as being important. After that, he would get into the tactical by making sure he had an up-to-date website and work on building a list, and then building revenue from the list.

Tune into the episode to hear more about what George would do as a property manager, and how his expertise can apply to the field. George will also explore other important things like how to build that all-important attention and trust, when you should make a video instead of (or in addition to) just writing a blog post, how to operationalize sales and marketing, why it’s vital to make videos regardless of how you feel about doing them, and much more.

Today’s Guest:

George B. Thomas

George B. Thomas on Facebook

@GeorgeBThomas on Twitter

George B. Thomas on LinkedIn

George B. Thomas on YouTube

[email protected]

Impulse Creative

In This Episode:

[00:44] - Steve introduces today’s guest, George B. Thomas.

[01:14] - George talks about his thoughts on the event where he and Steve met.

[02:19] - We hear more about who George is and what gets him fired up every day.

[05:41] - If George woke up as a property management company owner, what would he do and what steps would he take?

[07:09] - George talks about the first things he would do after getting his bearings as a property manager.

[10:40] - Steve takes a moment to go back and explore some of what George has said, and point out some ways in which they agree.

[13:05] - How can property managers get attention, and then get trust?

[16:44] - We hear more about video-related topics, including when to make a video instead of writing a blog.

[18:31] - What would George say to someone who doesn’t want to make videos because their clients might not want to know about property management?

[22:46] - Steve talks about a recent blog article about mobile-first, and George talks more about why it’s important.

[24:52] - We learn more about operationalizing sales and marketing. George then takes a deep dive into best practices and recommended tools for your own videos.

[30:14] - Steve goes back to George’s initial thesis about attention and trust, and talks about which is harder to build. George then talks about getting attention.

[34:47] - George takes a moment to unpack and expand upon some of what Steve has been saying about videos and Facebook Live.

[38:37] - Steve talks about what he’ll do now that he’s inspired by this conversation.

[40:09] - How important are personas? And is Steve overthinking the process?

[44:11] - George jokes about nurturing people with a sledgehammer rather than a scalpel, and explains how a persona can help change that.

[45:12] - In terms a funnel, should you be spending most of your time at the top or the bottom?

[47:24] - Steve reacts to George’s advice about funnels.

[50:09] - From the categories of roles, goals, and challenges, which would Steve’s “this best describes me” question come from?

[52:34] - How does George think about marketing plans? Is it about trying a bunch of stuff? Going deep on one vertical?

[53:19] - George lists some ways that listeners can reach out to him if they have questions.

[54:25] - Steve closes the episode with a song from his new album, 26Black on Spotify!

Links and Resources:

George B. Thomas

George B. Thomas on Facebook

@GeorgeBThomas on Twitter

George B. Thomas on LinkedIn

George B. Thomas on YouTube

[email protected]

Impulse Creative

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