So this is a bit unhinged- ear muffs if you are sensitive for kids. We started out by talking about Johnny Manziel (Johnny Football) on Netflix and that conversation leads into how people are behaving... It’s not about being right or wrong but getting it all out in the open. Sure there are consequences to how people behave, and speaking your truth does come with risks, but the only way we can create true change is if we have authentic conversations. What would be different if you allowed yourself to just speak what was really going through your head without worrying about what people think? Would you say the same things if you weren’t afraid of being judged or criticized for your opinion? Maybe it’s time that we filtered less and spoke our truth more. Not in a way that is disrespectful or hurtful, but with an energy of certainty- knowing that what you have to say matters and is worth being heard. At the end of the day, when you show up with your full authenticity, that’s when real change happens.  We are having the courage to show up and say what a lot of people are thinking—whether you agree or not is your choice. Thank for listening and sharing!

Good Karma Saturday’s


Fishing guidance program for the self-led, responsible, and passionate angler who wishes to immensely improve their fishing trip and catch rate. This is a positive energy experience that will not only help you catch fish and have a fun day but also save time and money on the water.

Topics covered: Gear, Bait, GPS Fishing Spots, Weather, Tides, Mindset and more.

I have been finding the current this summer along the edge of the reef using SATFISH OFFSHORE: Recieve $20.00 off a SATFISH yearly subscription by entering the code goodkarma at check out. Click here

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