Previous Episode: 95: ALL QUIZ BONANZA! #19
Next Episode: 97: BYOT

Bust out your monacle, twirl up that 'stache, and stroke your reaky hairless cat because it's time to get evil. This week, we're headed to our secret island lair to celebrate trivia about villains. Where did the word come from? And we all know that the butler did it, but who was the first butler to actually do it? Colin discovers the real Goldfinger behind James Bond lore, and Dana makes us do impressions for her villain catchphrase quiz. Karen keeps the bat at bay with a quiz about ridiculous Batman villains.
ALSO: E.L.V.I.S. is back!, Lobetrotter trivia
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Bust out your monacle, twirl up that 'stache, and stroke your reaky hairless cat because it's time to get evil. This week, we're headed to our secret island lair to celebrate trivia about villains. Where did the word come from? And we all know that the butler did it, but who was the first butler to actually do it? Colin discovers the real Goldfinger behind James Bond lore, and Dana makes us do impressions for her villain catchphrase quiz. Karen keeps the bat at bay with a quiz about ridiculous Batman villains.

ALSO: E.L.V.I.S. is back!, Lobetrotter trivia

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