Raise your hand if you’ve ever heard about the importance of niching down. While there are definitely benefits and value to niching, there’s a side of it that could also be disadvantageous.

In today’s episode, Macy is sharing why Guide Culture doesn’t believe in niching for School of Sales. She discusses the pros of cons of finding your tribe, explaining when being with like-minded individuals is useful and beneficial, but also when it is harmful especially when you’re building a business and selling. This is a short and sweet episode that offers you a new perspective on why niching might not be as beneficial as you think. So tune in, take notes, and get ready to challenge what you know about selling, growing a business, and where niching fits into that scope.

In this episode, we cover:

Acknowledging the benefits of nichingThe problem with looking for personal development opportunities within your tribeWhy we don’t believe in niching for School of SalesWhy it’s not helpful to be in a circle of prospects

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SCHOOL OF SALES INFO CALL #2 (7/14 at 8p):


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