Does it seem as if more cash flows out of your wallet than into it? Is cash flow the key to growing wealth? If so, what is the best way to optimize cash flow? Doug and Al Zdenek, author of Master Your Cash Flow: The Key To Grow and Retain Wealth, examine why you should broaden your definition of “cash flow” beyond having just enough money to pay bills, to include participating in a regular savings program. Learn how to manage your cash flow now, in order to better prepare for retirement.

Make sure your money is accessible!

After working hard to save and grow your money, you want to make sure that it is accessible when you need it. Unfortunately, often after one spouse passes away, it’s common for the surviving spouse to be frozen out of an account. Doug offers some advice to spouses on how to prevent this stressful situation. He offers some smaller steps that can make the difficult financial transition easier for a grieving spouse. Implement these preventative measures that can help the family avoid a frozen asset. If you have any questions about how involved your spouse should be in your finances, watch Does My Husband/Wife Have to Come to the Meetings? If you need to have the difficult conversation transferring financial control in your family, you might want to watch this movie. To learn more about Al Zdenek visit his website, buy his book, or visit masteryourcashflowbook. If you’re not already receiving updates on new episodes, sign up now, and as a special bonus, receive Doug’s free ebook The Retirement Planning Book.