Can analysts predict the factors that drive investment returns? Does the “dual momentum” approach improve investment returns? Gary Antonacci, winner of the Wagner Award for Advances in Active Investment Management, explains how he combines two strategies in his dual momentum approach. Can relative momentum (buying stocks that perform better than their peers) and time series momentum (buying on positive momentum and selling on negative momentum) actually improve investment performance? How do performance-based strategies reconcile with the investment refrain “past performance can’t predict future performance?” The sting of great investment returns: Capital Gains Tax Once you are fortunate to have profits in your investments, don’t neglect your capital gains tax. Learn how capital gains tax strategies can be especially useful to dual citizens who may be liable to pay taxes in two countries. Make sure that you have a great CPA for each country you owe taxes to – and that each one knows what the other is doing. Just because two countries have signed an agreement, doesn’t mean you automatically benefit. You might need to do some work. Consult with a qualified tax advisor as to your tax responsibilities, as I provide investment, not tax advice. Tune in for Doug’s advice on how you might want to invest your capital gains. To learn more about dual momentum, visit Gary’s website and blog and read his award-winning book, Dual Momentum Investing. If you’re not already receiving updates on new episodes for The Goldstein on Gelt Show, sign up now, and as a special bonus, receive Doug’s free ebook The Retirement Planning Book