Who doesn’t need a good nights sleep these days? Susan Kitson, joins us today for an incredible and unusual
conversation about sleep. Hear me, its not just a convo about snoozing y’all!

Susan is the Owner of Sleep Swag, located in Asheville, NC and shares her story of her days as a former flight attendant, that led her to create amazing luxury products to enhance relaxation and sleep. You know Goldens Guide loves to chat about the beauty AND science behind great products. As someone who has been restless in the sleep department for years, let me tell you, Sleep Swag works! Sleep Swag is even carried in such amazing spas as THE GROVEPARK INN AND BILTMORE, to name a few.

Susan’s eye masks, eye pillows, aromatherapy mists and other products are hand made and manufactured all by women.
All of the products are filled with or enhanced by crystals such as amethyst, black tourmaline and rose quartz, each known
for their restful and healing properties. You have to watch the show to hear her final magic touch that really gives Sleep Swag products their power!! Susan is an amazing entrepreneur, conscious about her people and products and her passion is super contagious!

Plan to get comfy and snuggly this winter and use code HOLIDAYSPIRIT for the purchase on any of her products. Thank you Susan, You can thank me later!!

Instagram - @Mysleepswag
FB - SleepSwag