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Readings of all Caitlin Johnstone's articles, usually by her co-writer Tim Foley.

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Gaza Asks Us A Question About What Kind Of Future We Want To Have

April 09, 2024 12:37 - 5 minutes - 4.63 MB

The main reason I've focused so hard on Gaza these last six months isn't so much because of how evil and horrific Israel's mass atrocity is in and of itself, but because it's so intimately intertwined with all our world's other problems, and with the future of the human species. Reading by Tim Foley.

Australian Military Refuses To Disclose Arms Deal With Israel To Protect Its 'Reputation'

April 09, 2024 02:33 - 4 minutes - 4.46 MB

Australia's Defence Department has refused a Freedom of Information request about the details of an arms deal with Israel on the grounds that such information "could harm Australia's international standing and reputation," which suggests the details must be pretty damning. Reading by Tim Foley.

Dancing Outside The Concentration Camp

April 07, 2024 00:27 - 2 minutes - 1.84 MB

Dancing outside the concentration camp, rave music pounding through our bones like bombs. A disco at the genocide, baby. A disco at the genocide. Twerking outside the open-air prison. Raving while Gaza asphyxiates. Twirling glow sticks while a Final Solution is planned. Just an innocent bit of fun. Chill out and dance outside the concentration camp. What could possibly go wrong? We've got the IDF looking after us. They'd never let anything bad happen. So dance while the Palestinians are sq...

As Support For Gaza Goes Mainstream, Don't Let The Empire Co-Opt The Movement

April 06, 2024 13:30 - 3 minutes - 3.01 MB

We cannot allow them to neuter this political moment with spin and propaganda. Reading by Tim Foley.

Israel Lets Some Aid Into Gaza So The US Will Keep Giving It Weapons To Kill People In Gaza

April 06, 2024 02:17 - 4 minutes - 4.41 MB

Israel has generously and compassionately reopened the Erez crossing to allow aid into Gaza, as it is the only way to ensure that the US will keep sending them weapons to kill the people in Gaza. Reading by Tim Foley.

The 'Human Shields' Lie Has Been Conclusively, Irrefutably Debunked

April 05, 2024 02:04 - 5 minutes - 5.19 MB

Israel isn't being "forced" to kill Palestinian children, it is knowingly choosing to. Reading by Tim Foley.

Stop Reporting On Biden's Angry Feelings Toward Israel. It's Not News. It's Not Interesting.

April 04, 2024 12:04 - 4 minutes - 4.35 MB

Stop telling us about the president’s feelings. Stop telling us he’s “angry” and “frustrated” with Israel. No one cares. Nobody gives a shit how Biden’s feelings feel about the government he’s helping carry out a genocide. All that matters is that he’s helping them commit genocide. Reading by Tim Foley.

Six Months Of Hell On Earth

April 03, 2024 11:04 - 3 minutes - 3.46 MB

Six months of this now. Half a year. Half a year of genocide apologia. Half a year of the most outrageous lies you can possibly imagine. Half a year of seeing children's bodies ripped to pieces and starved to skeletons on our social media feeds. Reading by Tim Foley.

Israel Keeps Getting More Murderous

April 02, 2024 10:35 - 5 minutes - 4.93 MB

In the span of just a few hours we learned that Israel committed a horrific massacre at al-Shifa hospital, struck an Iranian consulate in Syria killing multiple Iranian military officers, and killed a vehicle full of international aid workers in an airstrike. This murderous regime is out of control. Reading by Tim Foley.

Israel's Savage Destruction Of Gaza's Healthcare System Is Exactly What It Looks Like

April 01, 2024 11:24 - 4 minutes - 4.11 MB

Israel has ended its assault on the al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza, because there is nothing left to assault. The facility - the largest medical complex in Gaza where hundreds of civilians had been sheltering - is now an empty, unusable, burnt-out husk. Witnesses report hundreds of corpses in and around the complex, with video footage showing human body parts protruding from the earth and bodies with zip ties on their wrists. Reading by Tim Foley.

The Plan Is To Turn Palestine Into A Historical Footnote So It's Too Late To Save It

March 31, 2024 10:43 - 3 minutes - 2.75 MB

The Zionist plan for the Palestinians is to kill them and drive them off their land by whatever cruelty is necessary, with the understanding that one day people will look back on it in the same way they look back on the genocides of other indigenous populations, saying "Yeah it was bad, but that was in the past so there's nothing we can do about it." Reading by Tim Foley.

Liberal Finger-Wagging At Netanyahu Is A Phony, Cynical Charade

March 31, 2024 01:51 - 6 minutes - 6.34 MB

Gaza is proof that the US empire cannot be permitted to exist any longer, and they're trying to get everyone to ignore this fact and blame the whole thing on one guy. Reading by Tim Foley.

Israel Lies About Being A Victim So That It Can Victimize

March 30, 2024 02:20 - 5 minutes - 4.87 MB

They lied about decapitated babies so that they could kill babies. They lied about rape so that they could rape. They lied about Hamas using civilians as human shields so that they could use civilians as human targets. They lie about being victims so that they can victimize. Reading by Tim Foley.

Violent Extremists Get Called "Moderates" By A Violent Extremist Empire

March 29, 2024 09:54 - 7 minutes - 6.5 MB

"In reality, there was never anything moderate about Joe Lieberman. He was a violent extremist, who only looked like he walked a political center line through the lens of a violent extremist empire." Reading by Tim Foley.

Imagine If Russia Or China Did The Things Israel Is Doing In Gaza

March 28, 2024 01:27 - 5 minutes - 4.94 MB

It's almost cliché at this point to say "imagine if Russia or China did this", but such comparisons are important for retaining a sense of perspective on just how evil the western political-media class is being about Gaza right now. Reading by Tim Foley.

The Empire Slowly Suffocates Assange Like It Slowly Suffocates All Its Enemies

March 27, 2024 01:43 - 4 minutes - 4.52 MB

Helping Israel starve Gaza while slowly pretending to work toward solutions. Drawing out a proxy war in Ukraine for as long as possible to bleed Russia. Slowly killing Assange in prison without trial under the pretense of judicial proceedings. Reading by Tim Foley.

Things That Have Been Discredited During The Destruction Of Gaza

March 26, 2024 02:15 - 5 minutes - 5.22 MB

Israel, the “rules-based international order”, liberals, the label “antisemitism”, the mainstream media, Joe Biden, the “two-state solution” myth, Bernie Sanders, RFK Jr, etc. Reading by Tim Foley

Ghost Town

March 25, 2024 11:56 - 3 minutes - 3.38 MB

"We do not look at Gaza. We look at everything except Gaza." Reading by Tim Foley.

A Barely-Disguised Genocide

March 24, 2024 12:11 - 4 minutes - 4.58 MB

It sure is a crazy coincidence how all this stuff about difficulty with food distribution, collateral damage, human shields, the need to eliminate Hamas etc just happens to combine to create a situation that looks exactly the same as committing a genocide against an undesirable population. Reading by Tim Foley.

The Empire Doesn't Hide Its Worst Deeds, It Just Manipulates How People Think About Them

March 24, 2024 01:55 - 3 minutes - 3.58 MB

The worst actions of your government happen not in secrecy, but right out in the open under the narrative cover of mass media propaganda. The western empire doesn't hide its worst deeds, it just manipulates the way people think about them. Reading by Tim Foley.

Just Seeing Through The Propaganda Isn't Enough - We've Got To Open Our Hearts As Well

March 23, 2024 02:20 - 5 minutes - 4.72 MB

Humanity doesn't just need to escape from the mental prison of imperial indoctrination. It needs to escape from the heart prison as well. Reading by Tim Foley.

Half Of Americans Have No Idea Whether Israelis Or Palestinians Are Suffering More Deaths

March 22, 2024 11:37 - 4 minutes - 4.06 MB

The fact that half of Americans don't know whether Israelis or Palestinians are suffering more deaths in Gaza is the result of the appalling "Palestinian child walks into bullet"-style headlines the mainstream American press have been churning out since this conflict began. Reading by Tim Foley.

Israel Apologia Is One Big Fat Appeal To Emotion Fallacy

March 22, 2024 01:45 - 5 minutes - 5.02 MB

The PR campaign for Israel's destruction of Gaza revolves around encouraging everyone to focus on the feelings of people on the pro-Israel side instead of focusing on facts and evidence. The way Israelis are feeling about October 7. The way Israelis are feeling about the hostages. The way pro-Palestine demonstrations make western Jews feel inside. What feelings Biden is privately feeling toward Netanyahu. The whole thing's one big fat appeal to emotion fallacy. Reading by Tim Foley.

Find Someone Who Loves You Like Israel Loves Attacking Palestinian Hospitals

March 21, 2024 01:34 - 4 minutes - 4.53 MB

"Israel's constant fixation on attacking healthcare facilities makes no sense from a military strategic point of view, but it makes plenty of sense from a genocidal point of view." Reading by Tim Foley.

Without Extensive Narrative Manipulation, None Of This Would Be Consented To

March 20, 2024 01:33 - 3 minutes - 3.32 MB

"Without extensive narrative manipulation, it would never occur to anyone that bombing Gaza into rubble is a reasonable response to a single Hamas attack." Reading by Tim Foley.

It's Journalistic Malpractice To Say Gazans Are Starving Without Saying Israel Is Starving Them

March 19, 2024 09:52 - 5 minutes - 4.61 MB

"The editors of The New York Times know exactly what they're doing packaging a story about Israel's deliberate starvation of Palestinian civilians like it's a troubling prediction about the weather." Reading by Tim Foley.

Don't Equate The Violence Of The Oppressor With The Violence Of The Oppressed

March 19, 2024 01:24 - 4 minutes - 4.46 MB

You can't equate the violence of the oppressor with the violence of the oppressed. They're not the same, and the oppressor is the ultimate source of the violence from both sides. Reading by Tim Foley.

You Can't Trust Any Part Of This Dystopia If You Want Health And Sanity

March 18, 2024 00:30 - 2 minutes - 2.37 MB

This civilization is not your friend. Hopefully someday we'll live in a civilization whose component parts we can trust, but this civilization is rife with poison for our bodies, our minds, and our hearts. And we need to conduct ourselves in accordance with this reality if we want to be healthy. Reading by Tim Foley.

They're Really Going To Try To Lay All The Blame For Gaza On Netanyahu

March 17, 2024 01:38 - 5 minutes - 5.02 MB

They're really going to try to pin all the blame for the incineration of Gaza on Benjamin Netanyahu so that nothing has to change when this is over. The western empire has chosen a single scapegoat to carry away its sins so the status quo can march on unhindered by guilt or consequence. Reading by Tim Foley.

Genocidal Psychopaths Celebrate International Day To Combat Islamophobia

March 16, 2024 02:19 - 4 minutes - 3.83 MB

They're condemning Islamophobia and denouncing hate crimes against Muslims at the exact same time as they are helping Israel create a mountain of Palestinian corpses in a genocidal onslaught whose entire premise is that Palestinians are the wrong race and the wrong religion. They are proclaiming their love for the Muslim while plunging a knife into his throat. Reading by Tim Foley.

If Israel Wants To Be An "Independent Nation", Let It Be An Independent Nation

March 15, 2024 03:01 - 7 minutes - 6.56 MB

Israel is as dependent as a nation can possibly be. It literally cannot exist without the direct military backing of the most powerful empire of all time, namely the United States and its globe-spanning network of allies and assets. Reading by Tim Foley.

Crocodile Tears For Gaza While Backing Its Destruction

March 13, 2024 01:45 - 4 minutes - 4.42 MB

Nothing's more enraging than seeing the western officials who are making this genocide possible weep crocodile tears about how "heartbreaking" it is. Reading by Tim Foley.

Liberals Are Always Trying To Distance Biden From Netanyahu, And Netanyahu From Israel

March 12, 2024 03:03 - 6 minutes - 6.06 MB

"Liberals only try to compartmentalize these things away from each other to stave off the cognitive dissonance inherent in their contradiction-soaked worldview." Reading by Tim Foley.

Worrying About TikTok During An Active Genocide

March 11, 2024 02:18 - 4 minutes - 3.95 MB

There's a motherfucking genocide happening and we're being told we need to be worried about TikTok and defaced portraits of Lord Balfour. Reading by Tim Foley.

This Is What Our Ruling Class Has Decided Will Be Normal

March 10, 2024 01:26 - 2 minutes - 2.55 MB

US airman Aaron Bushnell said the words "This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal" before self-immolating in protest of the genocide in Gaza. That simple line has been reverberating throughout our collective consciousness ever since. Reading by Tim Foley.

Israel Accused Of Torturing UN Workers To Obtain False Testimony About UNRWA

March 09, 2024 13:23 - 3 minutes - 2.94 MB

A recently released UNRWA document says its staff report having been tortured while detained by Israeli forces, who pressed them to provide false statements about ties between the agency and Hamas. Reading by Tim Foley.

Saying "Hamas Just Needs To Surrender" Is Saying "We'll Kill Kids Until We Get What We Want"

March 09, 2024 02:39 - 6 minutes - 5.5 MB

"Such a tactic is not meaningfully different from lining up children on their knees on the battlefield and shooting them one by one in the back of the head until the enemy unconditionally surrenders." Reading by Tim Foley.

I Don't Need Guns I Need Fire Extinguishers

March 08, 2024 12:25 - 2 minutes - 2.12 MB

Pointing pistols as the man burns, as Gaza burns, as civilization burns, as the planet burns. I don't need guns  I need fire extinguishers. Raytheon racketeers and Pentagon pimps swollen fat from the blood of unnamed victims glossed over in headlines by The New York Times while National Guard troops patrol the New York subways and babies with legs like toothpicks fill our screens. Pouring arms into Israel  while humanitarian-LARPing aid airdrops. Waving around armageddon weapons while accusi...

Pretending The US Can't Just Drive Aid Into Gaza

March 08, 2024 03:29 - 5 minutes - 5.42 MB

The Biden administration is supposedly planning to set up a temporary pier in Gaza to allow for the large-scale shipment of sorely needed goods into the enclave, which reportedly will take weeks to build and will still be subjected to an Israeli checkpoint. Reading by Tim Foley.

Oscar Winners Who Don't Speak Out On Gaza This Weekend Will Be Complicit In Genocide

March 07, 2024 01:41 - 6 minutes - 6.37 MB

Every Hollywood celebrity who fails to speak out against the US-backed genocide in Gaza at the Oscars this Sunday is complicit in that genocide. If you're given a major platform and your government is committing genocide, you are morally obligated use that platform to condemn your government's actions. Reading by Tim Foley.

PODCAST: Aaron Bushnell, The Israel Lobby, Mass Media Propaganda And More

March 06, 2024 02:11 - 54 minutes - 49.5 MB

We've managed to get a third podcast episode up! Recording it and making enough time to create it and edit it are skills we're still developing, but we've always learned on the job in this weird little project of ours anyway. Personally I think this is our best one yet. In this episode we discuss Aaron Bushnell and the pathetic performative airdrop of a few meals in Gaza, we make some embarrassing revelations about how we stay productive amidst a daily deluge of negativity, and we answer a fe...

"Pay No Attention To That Genocide Right In Front Of Your Face"

March 05, 2024 01:47 - 3 minutes - 3.41 MB

"Pay no attention to that genocide right in front of your face." That's the constant message we're getting from the dominant institutions in this present-day dystopia. From our news media. From our political parties. From our government. From our mainstream culture of diversion and superficiality. Reading by Tim Foley.

Nobody With Real Power Cares If You Refuse To Vote For Biden

March 04, 2024 13:18 - 4 minutes - 3.86 MB

The problem is not that the wrong people keep getting elected, it's that the elections don't matter and voters don't have a say. Reading by Tim Foley.

So They're Experimenting With Military Robots In Gaza Now

March 04, 2024 03:39 - 5 minutes - 4.92 MB

Haaretz has a new article out titled "Gaza Becomes Israel's Testing Ground for Military Robots", which reports that "In an effort to avoid harming soldiers and dogs, the IDF has been experimenting with the use of robots and remote-controlled dogs in the Gaza War." Reading by Tim Foley.

On Palestine And The Worthlessness Of The Western Liberal

March 03, 2024 13:19 - 5 minutes - 5.1 MB

There's an infuriatingly common type of liberal who purports to oppose Israel's actions in Gaza while also saying they support "Israel's right to exist", as though Israel's existence is somehow separable from its genocidal murderousness. Reading by Tim Foley.

Aaron Bushnell's Death Can't Rightly Be Called An Act Of Suicide

March 03, 2024 02:55 - 5 minutes - 5.07 MB

In the case of suicide as we conventionally understand it, death is the goal. It is the both the means and the end, in and of itself. Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation was a means to a very different end: a free Palestine and the cessation of an ongoing genocide. Reading by Tim Foley.

You Have Already Taken A Side On Israel-Palestine (Whether You Admit It Or Not)

March 02, 2024 14:47 - 4 minutes - 3.87 MB

You have either consciously chosen to side with the people who are being continually massacred by Israel, or you have consciously chosen to side with Israel, or you have sided with Israel by being "neutral", or you have sided with Israel by being indifferent. Reading by Tim Foley.

The Empire's Weakness Is That It Still Needs Normal People To Turn Its Gears

March 02, 2024 03:39 - 5 minutes - 5.19 MB

Imperial propaganda outlet The New York Times is currently embroiled in a massive scandal over its reporting which alleges mass rapes on October 7 - and the scandal is being fueled in part by leaks from its own staff. Reading by Tim Foley.

When The Imperial Media Report On An Israeli Massacre

March 01, 2024 13:08 - 5 minutes - 5.34 MB

So that's what happens when the imperial media report on an Israeli massacre, in case you were curious and haven't been paying attention since October 7 or the decades which preceded it. Reading by Tim Foley.

On Aaron Bushnell, Methinks The Israel Apologist Doth Protest Too Much

February 29, 2024 01:05 - 5 minutes - 4.71 MB

Many high-profile Israel supporters have been circulating a fake screenshot of a Reddit account run by Bushnell saying "Palestine will be free when all the jews are dead." The fact that they're doing this illustrates two things: that Israel supporters are unscrupulous liars, and that they are freaking the fuck out about how much damage Bushnell has done to their cause. Reading by Tim Foley.

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