Jo and Scott catch up with Dana Simpson and Nathan Holland to talk about their respective recent mission trips. Dana has recently returned from the Youth Power Invasion ministry trip to Brazil with Global Awakening, and Nathan has just returned from directing the One New Man gathering in Arnhem Land in northern Australia. They talk about the way God sometimes surprises us with the opportunity to step outside our comfort zone, but walks with us, empowers us to do what He calls us to, and brings us the spoils of victory to sow into the place we're planted.

Resources/Links mentioned in this episode or helpful for Going Deeper:

Website: Global Awakening's Youth Power Invasion Testimonies
Website: One New Man Gathering 2019
Website: Mission Aviation Fellowship

Get more info at Riverlife Church, and find us on Facebook and Instagram.

Thanks to Tim Whittle for editing this episode.

Music credit: Scott & Annie McKinnon, 'Revive'.

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