We're back after a week off, with the first of our guests from the Live to Love Conference: Ps Paul Martini. Paul joins Jo and Scott to talk about his new book, and what it's like to live out of the abiding love and peace of God, and how to work through our unbelief. Thanks for your patience as we had a week off! We were busy with our Live to Love conference featuring Heidi Baker, Will Hart and Paul Martini. For the next four episodes, we'll bring you interviews with our guests from the Iris Global and Life Center Ministries International.

Pastor Paul Martini is an Associate Evangelist with Global Awakening, and an Associate Pastor at Life Center Ministries in Harrisburg, PA. Check the links below to find out more about Paul, his book, and the Live to Love conference.

Resources/Links mentioned in this episode or helpful for Going Deeper:

Website: Ps Paul Martini - Global Awakening
Book: Access and Release God's Peace : From Chaos and Confusion to Freedom and Power
Website: Life Center Ministries International
Podcast: Paul's Previous Episode - Going Deeper: Peace and Process
Facebook Video: Live to Love Conference Session: Abiding
Facebook Video: Live to Love Conference Session: The Power of Peace
Book: Francis Macnutt - Deliverance from Evil Spirits
Book: George K. Simon - In Sheep's Clothing

Get more info at Riverlife Church, and find us on Facebook and Instagram.

Thanks to Tim Whittle for editing this episode.

Music credit: Scott & Annie McKinnon, 'Revive'.

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