Michael is the CEO and co-founder of Edge Case Research, a company focused on making autonomy safer. Edge Case Research’s ECR’s products and services are geared for customers who build autonomous systems. 


The company’s offerings include software that tests for gaps in computer vision systems and consulting focused on prioritizing safety into an engineering department’s culture.


Michael’s experience with autonomous vehicles started twenty years ago at Carnegie Mellon University where he built lunar rovers for Red Whittaker, autonomous scientific robots that explored Antarctica, and self-driving technology for tackling harsh off-road terrain.


In this episode, Michael and Aaron discuss the origins of the company, how to translate ideas across organizations, and the multitude of industries that will be impacted by autonomous vehicles. 


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Michael Wagner’s Challenge; Go see the lunar rover seminar.


Connect with Michael Wagner


Edge Case Research Website


If you liked this interview, check out our interview with Argo Ai founder Bryan Salesky about autonomous cars and the episode with Locomation CEO Çetin Meriçli where we discuss self-driving semi-trucks.

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