Amanda Dixon is the cofounder of Barney, a mid-market M&A firm that helps entrepreneurs buy and sell digital businesses. They boast a database of more than 15,000 buyers and a dynamic portfolio of past mergers and acquisitions. 


Before starting Barney, Amanda had previously started and sold two businesses. After successfully selling both businesses, Amanda became painfully aware of the challenges associated with selling a business worth less than $20 million.


Now, Amanda leverages her learnings to helping others exit their business in a way that is simple, focused, and financially advantageous. You can see the companies that are currently for sale through Barney on their website.


When she's not working, you can find Amanda with her husband and daughter at the beach or watching Frozen for the 1,000th time.


In this episode, Amanda and Aaron discuss how digital businesses get valued, why you shouldn’t share your customer list during due diligence, and what she learned selling her own businesses.

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Amanda Dixon’s Challenge; Make a stranger smile this weekend.


Connect with Amanda Dixon


Barney Website


If you liked this interview, check out episode 269 with Brent Beshore where we discuss selling family businesses and the unique models of private equity.


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