Next Episode: Honey, Can We Talk

This series is applicable to both singles and married couples. You are on God’s mind. God is looking out for single parents, widows and widowers as well. For instance, Ruth the Moabite, who later got married to Boaz and got into the lineage of Jesus Christ.

God has a plan for divorcees, for instance, the Samaritan woman Jesus met at the well. Despite her marital situation, Jesus created time for her and turned her into an Evangelist.

Principles do not change. We simply need to align ourselves with them. Wherever you are (martially), God has something for you in this series.

A lady who required marital counselling once came to see Pastor Godman. The lady narrated how her husband suddenly disappeared a day before their 10th wedding anniversary. The lady couldn’t even reach her husband to wish him a ‘Happy Anniversary’, as he remained incommunicado. Her husband later returned two days after the anniversary date. After listening to the lady’s ordeal, Pastor Godman (still single then) started having second thoughts about getting married.

However, someone’s experience in marriage, should not form the basis of our own expectation. The basis of our expectation should be what God has said concerning marriage.

Today’s big question to both singles and married people is: what is God’s standard for marriage?