Today's episode is a solo chat about my first failed IVF Cycle. I found a journey entry that I wrote when I just found out my first IVF cycle failed. The timing was not perfect as I was sitting in the car headed to the airport with family that had no idea I was going through this. Ah! The strength it took to hold the tears in. 

A few things I mentioned in this podcast:

Spirit Babies book - My favorite book! I highly recommend reading this as you walk your path to conception.

The Untethered Soul - Another fabulous book with a quote I live my daily.

This episode is sponsored by Goddess Momma Fertility Yoga Bundle. Use code 'podcast' to receive $28 off the original price.

Wherever you are on your journey to motherhood, YOU are the only one that intuitively knows what’s best for you and your womb. Yoga for Fertility has been one of the most complimentary methods to infertility. 

Fertility Yoga specifically focuses on stimulating, nourishing, and cleansing your reproductive organs with fresh blood through grounding and heart/hip opening poses, stress and negative release with pranayama and guided meditations, understanding your moon cycle, and so much more. This is a magical time to release stress and embrace your true Goddess Momma self.

I am here to guide you towards reactivating the Goddess Momma within you through specific fertility focused yoga poses, meditations, and pranayama videos. 

Here’s what’s inside:
Designed for beginner yogis to advanced.

2 fertility focused yoga classes
4 menstrual cycle inspired yoga classes designed for each part of your cycle
1 guided pranayama video with a handful of fertility focused breathing exercises
1 meditation audio filled with guided and visualization meditations