Today's episode is with my dear friend from college, Natasha Berk. She takes us on her journey from failed IUIs and IVF's to giving birth to healthy triplets from an egg donor in the Czech Republic. Find out how her four and half year journey took her all the way to Europe. 

Expect tears!

It is such an honor to interview my friends and share their story to motherhood. As Natasha says, no two paths are the same and what works for some, might not work for you." But, once you travel down this path, we know we must share!!!

Natasha mentions the US consultant she worked with regarding egg donor in the Czech Republic.

Here is her info:
Sue Taylor
[email protected]

You can follow Natasha and her beautiful babies on Instagram
@robins.triplets.atl - Message her!! She is an amazing woman to speak too.


This podcast is sponsored my the Goddess Momma Fertility Yoga! 
Use code, 'podcast' and recieve $28 off the total $149 
Purchase here

I am here to guide you towards reactivating the Goddess Momma within you through specific fertility focused yoga poses, meditations, and pranayama videos. 

Here’s what’s inside:
Designed for beginner yogis to advanced.

2 fertility focused yoga classes
4 menstrual cycle inspired yoga classes designed for each part of your cycle
1 guided pranayama video with a handful of fertility focused breathing exercises
1 meditation audio filled with guided and visualization meditations