Growing up Catholic, Pastor Ric wasn’t allowed to talk about his ideas regarding faith.  He felt the calling, heard the voice and has been guided by Jesus Christ ever since.  Pastor Ric has seen the power of prayer and faith work miracles throughout his work in prisons and hospice care facilities. Enjoy this very passionate show.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:The old has gone, the new is here!” - 2 Corinthians 5:17


Biggest Weakness - Can’t sit still and stop speaking so that he may listen and hear.

Biggest Strength - Matthew 7:7 Seek and you shall find.  He loves to open scripture and search for understanding.

Dark Time - Growing up Catholic you didn’t talk about other ideas of faith.  It became clear that the calling was becoming too hard to ignore, but it was difficult.  When he went to his wife’s church he stood up and felt the fire of Jesus Christ.  It felt like he was under a shower.

A-ha moment - Pastor Ric was in a car at an intersection and asked God “what do you want me to do” and heard “Feed my Sheep”.  He cried for 45 minutes.  God is moved by faith.

Pastor Ric is convinced that we all have the ability to hear God’s voice, but you must believe that it’s possible.

We must condition ourselves and our faith in a similar manner to the way we exercise.

Pastor Ric has seen miracles through prayer and faith during his work in prisons and hospice care facilities.

When God’s doing his work, move out of the way.

Advice - Do not give up, our decisions are eternal.  Put your trust in God. He does not work in your time, but in his own.  

Seek God in everything, he will answer.

God’s Man of Influence - Someone who uses his salvation for others. 626-688-4231

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