In this episode Joe Juliani asks the questions “What is God asking of me?” “Am I too busy for God?” and “Can I be me and still walk the path?”  


“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” - Romans 8:31


Biggest Weakness - Joe has doubt.  He doesn’t stand in faith constantly.  

Biggest Strength - Spending time with like minded brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ.

Dark Time - Joe pushes through the storm.  He always falls back on Romans 8:31.

2 years ago Joe would not talk about his faith with others.  Then the conversation opened up when he met his new neighbor who became a pastor.  Joe and his wife went to church and was overwhelmed, but felt something that made him want to go back.

A-ha moment - Joe broke down and cried at church and things went silent.  He heard a voice that said “you are in the right place.”  He had no idea that there was a hole in his heart that needed to be filled by Jesus Christ.

Now Joe wants to inspire those like him who don’t know that they have a hole in their heart that needs to be filled.

The relationship with his wife became even stronger as she began to dig deep and understand how Jesus belonged in her life.  Joe says the relationship with your significant other should be as passionate as possible.

Their new business is called Precious Little Bean coffee came out of working with their church.

Recommended Book - “Fight” by Craig Groeschel

Sometimes the best thing you can do is listen.


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