Your top 10 questions answer with strategies and tips to overcome your anxieties, doubts, and fears so you can get your business started. Here are the questions I answer in this Q&A podcast:


1. How can I go from my job to starting a business and replace my income (plus some)?

2. Should I offer discount, free services,  or trade?

3. What’s the best social media platform to use? 

4. How do I stay motivated?

5. How do I make money in my business when I’m just starting up?

6. What is the best pricing model?

7. What tech should I be using in my business?

8. What are your time management strategies?

9. How to budget your time

10. An annual strategy for time management

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copyright (2024) by Jennifer Hoffman. All US and international rights reserved.

Copy by Jennifer Hoffman

Narration by Jennifer Hoffman

Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman

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