Since February 2004 I have written a widely shared blog with over 5 million weekly readers. I have written over 5,000 articles, hosted over 400 radio shows, written 8 books and have a strong social media presence. I produce a lot of content.

But while my content is available to my audiences, it is not to be illegally used in someone's programs, on their blog, podcast, or in their work. In this episode, which is part 3 of my Copyright Infringement and Theft of Intellectual Property series, I write about my experience with a content thief who has been mining my website, blog, radio shows, books, and social media sites for 10 years and stealing content. 

This is a somewhat well known business coach who believes that content on the internet is freely available. So imagine my surprise when I found my 'becoming 360' content, which I have been writing about since 2011, in a program she was selling, with my content copied, word for word.

In this episode you'll hear of how I discovered this and other examples of content theft and what I have been doing to stop it.

I'm writing about this topic because I want everyone to know about it, to know what to do when it happens to them, and to know how to stop it. Content theft hurts everyone and especially the content creators who are robbed of their creative output, their energy, and their vision.  And yes Christine, everyone should worry about having their content stolen because stealing content is stealing someone's energy.


copyright (2024) by Jennifer Hoffman. All US and international rights reserved.

Copy by Jennifer Hoffman

Narration by Jennifer Hoffman

Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman

No part of this work may be shared in any form whatsoever and on any platform whatsoever without the express written permission of the copyright holder. Failure to obtain permission and share this content or illegally appropriate this content for business or personal use will be subject to civil and criminal prosecution seeking actual and punitive damages and restitution. We have ZERO TOLERANCE for content theft, copyright infringement, and theft of intellectual property.