Money is an area few entrepreneurs want to address because many do not make any money, especially in the coaching industry. In this episode I'll talk about why the 'money mindset' paradigm is creating more problems for entrepreneurs and how to expand it into a 'wealthset' mode to allow for growth and prosperity. You'll learn how you can use this expansion of mindset into wealthset and the power of your intention to turn your cash problems into cash flow.

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Copyright (c) 2020 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

Wealthset, 'Business advice, resources, and training for start-ups, re-starts, and expanding empires', cashflow platform, are all trademarks of Jennifer Hoffman. 

copyright (2024) by Jennifer Hoffman. All US and international rights reserved.

Copy by Jennifer Hoffman

Narration by Jennifer Hoffman

Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman

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