If you are a content creator, blogger, or author or you post any original content on your website, blog, or social media and you use images with your content you need to know about copyright extortion. This is abuse of copyright law by image providers to extort money from people who use their images without permission.

I know about this because it happened to me and I share my story as well as define this scam and tell you how you can avoid getting caught in it.


copyright (2024) by Jennifer Hoffman. All US and international rights reserved.

Copy by Jennifer Hoffman

Narration by Jennifer Hoffman

Artwork by Jennifer Hoffman

No part of this work may be shared in any form whatsoever and on any platform whatsoever without the express written permission of the copyright holder. Failure to obtain permission and share this content or illegally appropriate this content for business or personal use will be subject to civil and criminal prosecution seeking actual and punitive damages and restitution. We have ZERO TOLERANCE for content theft, copyright infringement, and theft of intellectual property.