Sometimes at the end of the year, it isn’t all champagne, sparklers and celebrations. It can - and I say this from experience - instead, feel like it’s all unfinished tasks, never-ending to-do lists, and goals and progress that seems STUCK. You may feel deflated, discouraged and overwhelmed with your goals and progress so far. Or maybe lack thereof. Or perhaps the year just FLEW by – and you’re left a little stunned - feeling happy, busy and not grounded or fully rooted in the experience. 

So that begs the question – how DO you reflect on the year? What questions do you ask and answers?  How do you take the lessons?  How do you do this effectively - and efficiently?

Drumroll please – I introduce to you, Your Year In Review!!! This is my signature process for doing your own, personal annual review - and get you ready to plan for the next year. To go along with this episode, you can grab a free playbook at — go ahead and grab that. You can follow along.

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