“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom” Aristotle once said, and it’s one of the reasons that I brought our next guest on our show. The episode we have got for you today will have you turning the mirror on yourself over and over, so that you can better understand your own reactions to loved ones in your life, and have you taking responsibility instead of pointing the finger, which is what most of us do when faced with a situation that has us thinking “why did they do that ME?” Our guest today, Figs O’Sullivan, who is the leading Relationship Therapist in San Francisco and the Bay Area, will help everyone realize that your reactions are actually not at all about the other person, they’re all about you... and that is a constant for everyone.

This episode is going to change your relationship with yourself and help you reflect on what’s really happening when someone lashes out at you, or you break down and feel helpless, or a loved one gets angry and takes it out on you.

About Figs O’Sullivan

Fiachra “Figs” O’Sullivan, is the Founder and Chief Empathy Officer at Empathi, which provides step-by-step guidance for couples and individuals who care about their relationships. He is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, who is certified in Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples and individuals, and a passionate entrepreneur, driven to change lives for the better. He strives to interact with clients as a fellow traveler on life’s journey, allowing them to easily dive deeper into their “stuff” with his down-to-earth philosophy.

Constantly working on his skills and psychotherapeutic approach, Figs is passionate about helping couples love each other and feel more connected. Figs has spent years working with frustrated couples at a crossroads in their relationship; they want to make things work but are stuck in what Figs calls their “Waltz of Pain”, which led him to create Empathi. Inspired by attachment theory, improvisational dance and theatre, experiential psychotherapy, and Emotionally Focused Therapy, Empathi provides fun, effective, and simple solutions to help couples stop fighting and snuggle more. Figs designed Empathi to be available for everyone, no matter their socio-economic status, orientation or station in life.

Having been heard on NPR “All Things Considered” as a Relationship Expert, Figs is the most sought-after and highly-rated couples counselor in Silicon Valley! Figs is funny, engaging, opinionated, quick-witted, and sometimes irreverent—delivering it all with a charming Irish brogue.


Before we get to our interview with Figs, we wanted to invite you all into the Backstage Pass Goal Magic Community Group on Facebook. We know that some of you may be thinking “another facebook group to keep track of” but our group is a very dynamic, supportive, and creative bunch who is full of awesome ideas, is always willing to help, and has already had some amazing conversations about our struggles, our goals, and some laughs about a YouTube video gone wrong. We’d love to meet you, and so would our community, so click on the link in our show notes and drop us a note to say hi once you’re in!

Meanwhile, we want to invite you into the Backstage Pass Goal Magic Community Group on Facebook. Our group is a very dynamic, supportive, and creative bunch who is full of awesome ideas, is always willing to help, and has already had some amazing conversations about our struggles and goals. We’d love to meet you, and so would our community, so drop us a note to say hi once you’re in!

Here’s to Getting Unstuck,
Cynthia & Brennen