Conviction comes before action. This was a quote that we posted on instagram the other day (which, if you haven’t yet checked that out you need to get on that train!) about how committing to something mentally informs your body to then take action. This tenet of life remains true for everyone - did you ever find yourself doing something or calling someone or emailing about something somewhat mindlessly and wonder what made you do it? But when you look back, you realize you had been thinking about it day in/day out and on/off for many days or weeks. It’s like your body knew before your brain admitted what it was doing (which was basically hypnotizing you, ha!) 

Conviction coming before action is something that our guest this week knows about all too well.

Hi everyone and welcome to show where it’s our mission to get you unstuck. As some of you may know if you’ve listened to our show or read our emails, we have a partnership with the Handel Group. I have been honored to interview Lauren Zander, whose work has been read by THE Halle Berry, among other celebrities. And so it is with great pleasure that I got to interview her sister, Marnie Nir.

About Marnie Nir

Humor, compassion and candor are the driving forces in Marnie Nir’s work as a Coach with The Handel Group. She finally returned from Florida to her home state of New York, but has shuffled around, from New York to California and back again. 

Marnie’s professional and personal life has come full-circle as well. A student of Slavic Language and Literature at UCLA, Marnie graduated with a BA and an understanding of Russian Literature as “purification through suffering.” Years later, after several jobs in publicity and production, most notably for the Moscow Circus, she began to see that, at least in her own life, suffering was not mandatory. After marrying and giving birth to her first child, Marnie started coaching with her sister, Lauren Zander, creating the dream of who she wanted to be as a mother. 

However, her work with Lauren took everything in her life to a much deeper level. More than a decade later, she is now the mother of two, a trained Coach in The Handel Method, a freelance writer, a blogger for the Huffington Post, DatingAdvice as well as her own blog (The Sour MILF) and formerly a columnist for the Jupiter Post and Westport News. Most notably, she and her writing partner have created a half-hour animated TV series: Mother Up!, which stars Eva Longoria. 

As with every area of her life, Marnie’s coaching is characterized by joyful honesty and courageous commitment. She brings lightness and levity to her work with her clients. “I have zero problem telling on myself. I use my inner jerk to point out theirs.” Consequently she is continually inspired by the difference that telling the truth offers to her clients. For Marnie, it’s about building the muscle of personal integrity, where what comes out of your mouth is so important. “In this way, you can really go from ‘I will go to the gym,’ to ‘I will win an Emmy.’” Having been married for more than 18 years, Marnie particularly enjoys working with wives, mothers and singles, because she is well-acquainted with the challenges they face and speaks b*#ch, martyr and chicken fluently. Marnie offers her clients the tools they need to author the lives they want, with wit, sincerity and her occasional truck-driver mouth. She lives in Pound Ridge, NY with her husband and two children.

For Goal Magic listeners only we have a special offer from the Handel Group:

You can learn to human better with Lauren Zander's online coaching course, Inner.U.

If you sign up now with your GOALMAGIC75 coupon you’ll get $75 OFF!

Your subscription includes lifetime access to Inner.U, 12 audio coaching sessions from Lauren Zander, 1 free private coaching session with an HG coach, 14 homework assignments, and the interactive Promise Tracker to accelerate your accountability and track your promises and consequences. Claim your $75 off:

ALSO, we wanted to see if you could help me and Brennen with some of our own goals that we are working towards. Yep, even Brennen and I hold ourselves to our own goals because we also are mortals :) Here’s what we’re asking:

Help us get to 100 apple podcast reviews. If you listen to this free podcast every week, we would be so honored if you would give us a shout on apple podcasts!

And for our 2nd’s a lofty one where we are trying to inspire 100% more people through our emails by the end of 2019. So if you haven’t yet received some of our magic in your inbox, get your butt on that list today to see what folks are sharing about on insta! 

Here’s to Getting Unstuck,
Cynthia & Brennen



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