I had a wonderful vacation this past holiday week, and got some much-needed space and relaxation, just by staying at home and trying very hard to not be productive. You see, I’d been starting to experience symptoms of burnout in recent days from the stress of managing two companies that need a lot of care and attention. I noticed that I was avoiding projects I normally enjoy, my sleep was suffering and I was having trouble completing workouts, which is really weird for me. 

The conversation with Cynthia that you’re about to hear was actually what convinced me to take some time off to recover and recuperate from stress. Right at the end of the episode, you’ll be able to hear me have the realization in real time. Our topic for the episode is how to stay motivated and I share some really good tips with you, but as we were chatting, Cynthia really convinced me of the need to take a break and I’m SO glad I listened. I’m feeling so much better now, more like my old self. My sleeping is back on track, podcasting seems fun again and my workouts are going fantastic. In fact, I set a personal record on my Zwift cycling trainer last night and I was jumping for joy. If you’re feeling a little burned out or simply lacking motivation, this episode is for you.

Here’s to Getting Unstuck,
Brennen & Cynthia

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