I recently was on vacation doing some much needed recharging, which also gave me time to reflect on my life and career and where it is all headed. One of the things that I keep bumping up against is this idea of what it means to really enjoy your work, because I keep talking to people who are so burnt out from corporate, like myself. They’re tired of not owning their time, not having freedom, losing their creativity because they’re no longer doing the things that they enjoy at work, and just the sheer number of hours that we all put into “getting the job done.”

I don’t know if I’m attracting these people because I’m burnt out or if I’m just finding more people of my age range who feel similarly because we are at a pivotal point in our work lives, but it’s why this episode that I recorded with Chris Butsch was so fascinating to me.

About Chris Butsch

Chris Butsch is a keynote and TEDx speaker, author, and global consultant helping organizations improve engagement and retention, and prevent burnout. His unique blend of humor, happiness science, and BS-free takeaways has helped companies like Google, Deloitte, and Vodafone keep their best people.

Connect with Chris:


MESH method



Chris’ book

Here’s to Getting Unstuck,

Sponsor Love

This week our show is brought to you by the inner.U program from Lauren Handel Zander. If you find yourself repeating bad behaviors or patterns, then listen up because the truth is that you can change all that if you want to. My own personal experience with life coaching started in my 20’s. Throughout those years I found myself being very successful in my corporate life but many of the people I worked with and many of the men I dated turned out to be not great people and treated me badly.

Do you want to know why? Because I subconsciously let them and it was a repeating pattern for me.

It wasn’t until I realized it was a pattern, and decided that I deserved better and wanted to end that pattern that I changed the course of my own life. I got myself a kickass life coach and everything changed from there. If you’re like me, and want help and are ready to kick those bad patterns or habits, click on this link and enter GOALMAGIC75 to get $75 off the course today!



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