Mark Twain


The two greatest days in your life are the days you were born and the day you find out why. -- Mark Twain


[bctt tweet="The two greatest days in your life are the days you were born and the day you find out why. -- Mark Twain"]

Wow! This is such an amazing thought. The day we are born is the greatest day in our life. Without it, we would have not others. It's shared with our parents as one of their greatest days as well. I know as a father, the birth of my daughter was a great day for me. It meant so much to bring a life into this world to cherish and love and watch grow.

Mark Twain's quote shares an even bigger thought. Many go through life, wondering what their life is about or why they were born.

"Why was I put on the face of the Earth?", we often hear people ask. There have been countless books, movies, TV shows, about this subject.

I recently had two episodes where I interviewed some great men, Aaron Walker and Beau Henderson about this topic. Living On Purpose and Living a RichLife are the subjects of these two interviews and you can click on the links to go back and listen to them if you haven't.

The day you have that AHa moment of WHY you were born, will be exhilarating.  Because, you are special. Your life means something to someone.

Have you thought about why you were born?  I have. And you know what I think.

The reason you think you were born may not even be why. You could one day be walking down the street and see a homeless person walking down the street and look at them and smile.

Just that action of smiling at someone could cause them to see a new light in the world. It could precipitate a change in them that could make them realize that life is worth living.  Maybe you won't even know why you were born. It could be that subtle, no?

Anyway, if you haven't figured out why you were born, just keep smiling at people you pass on the street. It might make someone happy.


I get a lot of my quotes from great books that I read. And Mark Twain was a great author that shared many a great idea and quotes. And if you like to listen to books on Audio like I do, I put together a deal with Audible to give Goal Getting Podcast listeners a FREE Audiobook of your choice AND a 30 Day Trial of Audibles service to try them out.

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